1. Applicability
    These terms and conditions apply to all agreements and transactions between Zeya DSGN and the customer. By using our website, placing an order, or entering into an agreement with Zeya DSGN, you agree to these terms and conditions.
  2. Company Information
    Zeya DSGN is registered under the Chamber of Commerce number 88485420 and operates under the business name Zeya Dsgn. For inquiries, comments, or complaints, you can contact us via email at contact@zeyadsgn.com 
  3. Orders
    By placing an order with Zeya DSGN, you declare that you are 18 years of age or older or have consent from a parent or guardian. All orders are subject to availability and acceptance by Zeya DSGN. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders without providing a reason.
  4. Prices and Payment
    The prices on our website are listed in euros and include VAT. Payments can be made through the offered payment methods on our website. Zeya DSGN reserves the right to change prices at any time. Any price changes will not affect already placed orders.
  5. Shipping and Delivery
    Zeya DSGN aims to deliver orders within the specified shipping period. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on the delivery address. Zeya DSGN is not responsible for delays or damages during transit. Any customs duties or import taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
  6. Returns and Exchanges
    If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return or exchange the product within 30 days of receipt, provided that the product is unused and in its original packaging. Please contact our customer service for instructions and to obtain a return number. The costs of return shipments are the responsibility of the customer unless otherwise agreed.
  7. Privacy and Data Protection
    At Zeya DSGN, we value your privacy. We will only use your personal data to process your orders and keep you informed about our products and offers. We will not disclose your data to third parties without your explicit consent unless it is necessary for the execution of our services or required by law.
  8. Intellectual Property
    All intellectual property rights related to the website, content, and products of Zeya DSGN remain the property of Zeya DSGN. It is not allowed to copy, reproduce, or use any material, including texts, images, logos, or designs, without the written permission of Zeya DSGN for commercial purposes.
  9. Shipping & delivery
    Zeya DSGN is not liable for any delay, error, or failure in the performance of its obligations under these terms and conditions due to force majeure, including but not limited to natural disasters, strikes, fires, terrorist actions, or government measures.
  10. Applicable Law and Disputes
    These terms and conditions and all agreements between Zeya DSGN and the customer are governed by Dutch law. Any disputes will be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.

By using our website and placing an order with Zeya DSGN, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.